In today’s busy world, it can be hard to take care of yourself, but take some time out and get yourself and your cat something cute. And while your treating yourself to some much earned shopping time, know your helping cats in need with your purchase. Because you shop with, you’re funding chances at forever!
Every purchase you make donates money to rescues and shelters working hard to care for cats and kittens in need, all thanks to a partnership between and Greater Good Charities. This purpose driven family of charities devotes their efforts to improving not only our lives, but the lives of animals too. And one of the best ways to serve animals in need is by filling their food bowls and giving them the comfort of a full belly. And the Rescue Bank, a pet food distribution initiative developed by Greater Good Charities, has been keeping hungry bellies full for over a decade.

To date, the Rescue Bank has delivered over 275 million meals to shelters and rescues across the country. And with your help, we can make that number grow by funding more of these much-needed donations to shelters and rescues. For Forgotten Felines is one of the many shelters nationwide who benefit from Rescue Bank donations. And while these cat rescuers live in the paradise known as Maui, cats still find themselves in need of help. Just like Sweet Melissa.
Coming Back from the Edge
Hawaii possesses more than half of the 13 different types of climates found in the world, which means one can travel a short distance a find a very different landscape in spite of the island chain’s small size. One of those landscapes consists of burning, hot stretches of desert-like land that can reach over 100 degrees in temperature. And for a sick feral cat caught in that landscape, it can feel like torture. And Sweet Melissa learned this firsthand.
This tough tabby cat walked out of what For Forgotten Felines described as a “blazing hot” desert. Caught in the scorching heat without water, she walked until she found an abandoned feral cat colony. But she could go no further and collapsed.
When found, she was emaciated and dehydrated to the point her eyes were nearly sealed shut so she could barely see. The poor girl was covered in “bleeding and oozing” sores and suffering under a 105-degree fever. The average temp for a healthy cat ranges between 100.5°F and 102.5°F. Sweet Melissa was very sick and things looked dire.

But as For Forgotten Felines shared, “She was rushed after hours to our new emergency clinic where she was treated and tested positive for FIV, which is not a death sentence, but does require TLC, especially good nutrition.”
And here, the Hawaii branch of the Rescue Bank did wonders for Sweet Melissa. Because of their food deliveries, she was able to chow down on nutritious food that would help her get back on her paws. And between the good eats and the love of For Forgotten Felines, Melissa is doing just that.
With the fever broken and her sores healing, Melissa’s coat is returning to beautiful fluff “instead of feeling like straw.” The fever broke and she’s eating well, which means she gaining weight.
“The vet said the prognosis is good and the main thing is to feed her good food,” said For Forgotten Felines. “Cats like Melissa need the quality food provided us by Rescue Bank’s generous donations. Without this help it would be more difficult to do our job and we could not help as many animals. It is essential for us to continue to save lives.”
Not only do these dedicated cat rescuers thank you too, so does Melissa. So, treat yourself and your cat to something good from and know your saving cats!
Shop & Give Back!
The following products provide quality food for shelters and rescues, helping them reserve more of their precious funds for medical expenses, supplies, and spreading the word about their adoptable pups and kitties.