Goodbye Magnificent 7 Cats. Hello Magnificats!

| February 19, 2016

Britain’s most famous internet cats, The Magnificent 7 Cats have been blogging on for about a year; you might have seen us around.

After 3 years, we’ve decided that it’s time to change our name. Rocky, Prince, Junior, Ugs, Princess Pixie, Tom and Norman are now:


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So, if you don’t know us, here’s a quick introduction to each of  the 7 Magnificats, with artwork by the brilliant Antony Smith from Learn to Speak Cat and Cattitude.

Come and see us soon!

iheartcats 700 px TWOSHOT ROCKY

Rocky is 12 pounds of solid muscle! He’s an 8-year-old British Blue X Turkish Van and the toughest of all his 6 siblings. He was involved in a road accident when he was about 2. His injuries were so bad that Rocky had to be given a replacement metal hip and pins in his leg – although you’d never know it today. He’s happiest when he’s outdoors, strutting his stuff. There’s a deep and ancient wisdom to Rocky. He’ll look at you and stare into your soul.

iheartcats 700 px TWOSHOT PRINCE

Prince is an 8-year-old Blue-Point Ragdoll. He’s remarkably loving (if slightly possessive) and likes nothing better than to curl up on the sofa with his mum. Prince likes things his own way. If he decides something is ‘his’ (typically, one of Dad’s shoes), he’ll lie on his tummy with his paws resting on the object, eyes serenely closed. If any of the other cats even dare to show the slightest interest, he’s quite liable to give them a quick slap around the head!

iheartcats 700 px TWOSHOT UGS

Ugs is a 8-year-old Persian who came to live with us from the age of 2. Of his 6 siblings, Ugs is probably the kindest, most caring and sweet-natured; he’s just a bundle of love! Ugs will follow us around the house like a puppy, then he’ll stop and look up with an expression of pure love. And sometimes he might high-five, just to make sure he gets a treat.

iheartcats 700 px TWOSHOT JUNIOR

Junior is a 7-year-old pure-white Turkish Van with bi-coloured eyes – and, contrary to popular belief, this doesn’t mean he’s deaf! His over-riding characteristic is his lovingness. He’s happiest when he’s head-bumping, nudging, kissing and lying on his back to be tickled when he’ll stretch out his toes in ecstasy. Although Junior likes to spend most of his time indoors, he loves to go out. You’ll often see him high-up balanced on walls or expertly walking from fence to fence.

iheartcats 700 px TWOSHOT PIXIE

On Valentine’s Day 2011 a very special girl came into the world. Princess Pixie Pee-Pee Persephone (or Pixie for short) is a Blue-Point Ragdoll with attitude. Her favorite thing to do is plot her escape through open windows – the higher up, the better! Pixie has many secrets, one of which is her love for drinking water directly from the loo. She knows she is not supposed to, and when she’s caught, she’ll adopt a ‘Who? Me? What?’ look on her face and lie on her back as though she’s saying ‘Go on then, tickle me. You know you want to…’

iheartcats 700 px TWOSHOT TOM

This is Tom. Some people call him Tommy but his real name is Tomerine (pronounced Tom-er-eeny). Born in June 2011, Tom is a purebred Seal-Point Persian from a litter of 6. To say that Tom is a little eccentric is perhaps an understatement. His face looks permanently grumpy, his eyes are googly and wobble from side-to-side. He has a little pink lip and tiny teeth which make him look like a teddy bear. Or a monkey. Tom will do anything or cheese!

iheartcats 700 px TWOSHOT NORM

Norman is a 4-year-old bi-colour Persian. Poor Norman was very much the runt of his litter. He was hand-reared by his breeder and at one point it really didn’t look as though he was going to make it; but look at him now! Norman loves routine. He’ll watch Dad very carefully at bedtime to see when he’s ready to go upstairs. Then Norman will zoom up to the bedroom, jump up onto the bed and wait to be stroked – and give a short ‘meow’ if the stroking stops. Norman is totally in love with Pixie. Pixie is by no means in love with Norman!


Come and meet all 7 cats on our Facebook page or see the best of our pictures on Instagram.

We post great new photos every day and we’d love to hear from you – and your kitties.

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