According to the Just Giving page for kittens Luke and Skywalker, £17,501.26 — or about $25,569.34–was raised to help in the kittens’ recovery! What a huge help with medical costs!
Original Story:
Two black and white kittens were found in abhorrent conditions in Victoria Park, East London.
A passer-by found the kittens trapped in a soggy cardboard box that was sealed with tape, and brought them to the Celia Hammond Anumal Trust for treatment. They were emaciated, flea-infested, and had endured horrific injuries. One of them had had the pads and toes on his back feet sliced off, and his tail had been severed; the other could barely walk due to spinal damage.
On the Celia Hammond Animal Trust Facebook page, a post from February 7th said that they are not sure who or what caused the injuries. But despite the trauma, the kittens were lovable once they were put into safe hands. “All the wounds were infected, but despite the pain these kittens were in they purred and wanted cuddles straight away,” it reads.
LUKE & SKYWALKERPlease help us with the cost of reconstructive surgery and intensive care for Luke & Skywalker.They…
Posted by Celia Hammond Animal Trust on Sunday, February 7, 2016
The vets at the organization jumped into action, easing the kittens’ pain as much as possible, and treating the wounds. Now named Luke and Skywalker (Luke had the paw and tail injures; Skywalker had the damaged spine), these brave little babies have a long road to recovery ahead of them.
“Skywalker is receiving physiotherapy to improve his coordination. Luke has already undergone several surgical procedures and will need several more to provide him with functional feet and to enable him to walk without pain . He will also need ongoing physiotherapy,” reads the Facebook post.

Miraculously, the physical and emotional distress they’ve endured has not stopped them from being as happy and energetic as any other little kittens.
Just look at these two little sweethearts playing! It is truly amazing how resilient animals can be.
While the kittens are lucky to be in the care of the Celia Hammond Animal Trust, this wonderful organization must find the funds to cover their extensive treatment. They have set up a Just Giving Page which has reached over £7,600 ($10,940 USD).*(Refer to update above.)
While donations thus far have been generous, the cost of care for the duo is hard to predict because that they are still undergoing surgeries and rehabilitation.
If you would like to help these beautiful kittens get a second chance at life, please consider donating! (Note: the bottom of the donation page includes two images of injuries that may be difficult to look at.)
In the meantime, huge kudos to the amazing folks at the Celia Hammond Animal Trust. We are glad to see the amazing progress that Luke and Skywalker have made so far!

(Feature image adapted from the Celia Hammond Animal Trust.)