It’s inevitable; we all get taken in by a con at some point in our lives. While we may not realize it in the moment, after it’s all said and done, we sit back and say, “Oh.” And recently, a whole bunch of Twitter users fell victim to @DonutOperator and his hilarious scam to collect a bunch of cute cat photos. In the end, nobody was mad. In fact, they were happy to be caught up in his game, because everybody got to look at tons of cute cats pictures in the end. And who doesn’t love a cat pic?
The flood of replies and cat fun started after the silly sneak first posted a picture of an adorable ginger cat napping with his sweet paws in the air. With the picture came one simple sentence and it was quick to grab people’s attention, “My cat is cuter than yours fight me.”

Cute Cat Picture Showdown
After the clever cat dad collected quite the horde of cat pics in response, he revealed his scam in a reply to his own original post reading, “HA my ruse was successful now I have hundreds of super cute animal pictures to look at when I’m down you stupid idiots fell right into my trap.”
Check out the cutest collection of cat pictures and their parents’ clap backs courtesy of @DonutOperator’s good-natured con!
“it’s a close match but my bean is the victor here.”


“Dublin the Cat laughs at you.”

“Coco be shocked.”

“Mine’s Superman, so there.”

“My cat is majestic as,” well, you know…

“My cat isn’t impressed with your cat.”

“Mines just a potato.”

“Not saying your cat isn’t cute, but mine is a special case.”

“This is a beautiful thread of people’s animals and I absolutely want to be a part of it.”

“Yea right. Tucker Lemont, the T h i c c e r kitter is unchallenged.”

Funny cat pictures are the best! Keep scrolling for more cute cats or, if you want cats misbehaving, have a look at these 16 Cats Being Total Jerks To Their Fur Siblings.
“I beg to differ.”

A definite contender…

“Dunno bout that chief.”

“Fought and Won.”


“more cuter Fam.”

“It’s a tie.”

“Stop lying to me.”

“My cat Jess disagrees.”

“Okay but…”

“Double the cute cats!”

“So it’s on?”

“Pardon me?”

“It’s a close call.”

Need more cat pictures? Check Out These 27 Feline Cuties Taking On The Unflattering Cat Photo Challenge!
Feature Image: @donutoperator/Twitter & @dragossum/Twitter