This is a story of endurance, love, and the fact that big fighters can come in small packages!
When little Bobby arrived at the Purrfect Pals Cat Shelter in Arlington, Washington, the staff members weren’t sure if the 10-day-old kitten–whose eyes hadn’t even opened yet–would make it through that first night.

The kitten was covered in fleas, biting her to the point of anemia. Finally in loving care, those first 24 hours were crucial for Bobby. She needed a miracle if she had any chance of surviving.

As it turned out, not only was Bobby a fighter who survived the night, but “he” was actually a “she” !
Thanks to an incredibly dedicated foster mom who fed her at all hours of the day and night, even keeping the kitty in her shirt for warmth, Bobby began to gain strength.

Although she is still in foster care, the black kitten is now eight weeks old and getting better every day. She is still struggling to maintain a decent weight and normal body temperature, but the folks at the Purrfect Pals Cat Shelter are optimistic that she will grow into a happy, healthy cat–just look at what she’s overcome already!

Bobby continues to be doted on by her foster family, who is constantly showering her with the love and care she deserves. She is not ready to find her forever home, but you can be among the first to see her adoption announcement by following the Hotel Meow Facebook page.

Although Bobby still has some recovery ahead of her, she has already come so far. It is truly amazing how love and care can transform an animal in need!