Cats express their emotions differently than us, but sometimes, feline reactions line right up with human expressions. Just like the moment a cat realized she was pregnant during an ultrasound.
You may have seen the pictures of Ulla the tabby cat looking surprised to discover the news as she sees her unborn kittens on the ultrasound monitor. The caught-at-the-right-moment picture has been making its way through social media for a while now. But, thanks to internet magic, the story of the cat in the photo has been uncovered. And while Ulla is utterly adorable, her tale is one of sadness and joy.

Adopted Kitten, Stray Cat
When Ulla was a tiny, injured kitten, she found her chance at life thanks to animal shelter Dyrenes Venner in Nuuk, Greenland. Through them, she found what she thought to be her forever home. But a year later, she was back with Dyrenes Venner, which translates to “Friends of the Animals in Greenland.” When the shelter tried to contact Ulla’s family, the adopters were unreachable.
Dyrenes Venner board member Tone Frank told the Today Show, “The number we have on the owners who picked her up last year doesn’t work. We’ve posted her online and on Facebook; no one seemed to miss her.”

At some point within the year prior, Ulla had been separated from her family, putting her back on the streets as a stray cat. But rescue magic saved Ulla again. Soon, the happy tabby was loving and snuggling on all the animals in the shelter with her. Rescue life was serving her well! So well, about a month into her stay, Frank and other shelter workers noticed Ulla was getting “chubby.”
As an un-spayed female cat on the streets, it was quite possible little Ulla could be pregnant.
“So I took her to get scanned at the vet, which she wasn’t too happy about,” Frank said.

Indeed, Ulla was pregnant, expecting 4-5 kittens. And her amazement was more than evident in the funny picture. Frank felt pretty amazed by the moment, too, sharing, “I’ve never seen a cat get an ultrasound. We saw little kittens in her tummy.”
Sharing the moment on Reddit led Ulla to viral stardom and a forever home, with Frank reporting, “She has gotten a new home now, a place that has two dogs and one more cat, and they’re doing great.”

The sweet tabby cat would be giving birth in the safety and comfort of a home.
“The new family agreed to let her have her kittens and when they’re ready to leave, we will be finding new homes for them as well.”

But before they go, the kittens will be spayed and neutered along with their mom, a young cat barely out of kittenhood herself. Thanks to Dyrenes Venner, Ulla will never have to be shocked over surprise kittens ever again. Instead, she can enjoy the happiness of her forever home.
Feature Image: Kalaallit Nunaanni Uumasut Ikinngutai – Dyrenes Venner i Grønland/Facebook