Cats Wear Hats Made From Their Own Fur

By: Kelli Brinegar
For more than five years, Kelli Brinegar has been using her ability to write and her passion for research to tell the tale of what cats are thinking and why. She has provided care to more than 30 cats in her lifetime.Read more
| December 3, 2019

Cat lovers often find inspiration in their feline dears. Whether art, stories, or photography masterpieces, cast often serves as muses. But having a cat muse means most of your possessions are covered in cat hair.

While fuzzy clothes might be an issue for some of us, a couple in Japan has found inspiration in this most unlikely place.



Ryo and Hiromi Yamazaki are parents to three Scottish Folds. The folded-ear trio, Nyaa, Maru, and Mugi, all have lush coats, meaning their humans contend with scads of cat hair. An issue many of us are familiar with, the Yamazaki’s were used to cleaning up fur, but one day, photographer Ryo scooped up a wad resembling a little hat. He molded the tumbleweed of fur a bit and balanced the little cap atop a kitty’s head.

An idea was born!



Cat Caps are Too Cute

Inspired by the tiny cat hat, Ryo and Hiromi gathered all the fur they could find around their house in the Tama District of Tokyo. From there, a unique array of fun feline head wear ensued. If the pair can imagine it and the cats can provide the fur, they will create it!

The cats seem to love their hats too, posing in each of them and looking sassy to boot.

Nyaa channels his inner mouse…


Maru acts the clown in a pointed cap…


Little Mugi makes an adorable ladybug…


May the Force be with Maru in these Princess Leia buns…


Where’s the fire, Nyaa? You’re too cute in your Fire Chief hat…


Eldest son Nyaa is King of the Jungle, or the house anyway…


Mugi asks if his giraffe hat makes him look taller…


While an adorable kitty, Maru also makes for a purr-fect bunny too…


Hiromi is the primary hat crafter and Ryo holds regular photoshoots with Nyaa, Maru, and Mugi to show off the creations. The humans work hard capturing the cuteness while the cats toil too, keeping the couple in sloughed fur. Besides hats, the couple has forayed into making cat toys and home decor. The Yamazakis find inspiration in holidays, special occasions, and pop culture phenomenons. Each adorable cat cap is handmade with love and all materials are cat made!

For more of the adorable cat fur creations, follow Ryo and Hiromi on Instagram.

H/T: My Modern Met
Feature Image: Instagram/@umatan and @rojiman