Cat Feeding Baby Birds From Her Own Mouth! Could This Be Real?

If your cat finds a nest with baby birds in it, what do you think will he/she do with it?

While some cats hunt for birds, we have seen quite a few videos of cats who are friends with birds. Like Budgie the bird who is in love with the family cat named Lexie. There’s also that video of a kitten and a parrot who are best friends!

If a cat can be friends with a bird, is it possible that a cat can also act like a mother to them?

People are wondering if the video below is a real one or a fake, edited one. Researchers at Phoenix Biogenic shared a video of a cat feeding baby birds from her own mouth–just like how a mother bird feeds her babies. The video showed how the cat defied her predatory instinct to prey on the tiny birds. Check out the video below!

So what do you think? Could this video be real? Or is it a fake one? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts!