‘Werewolf’ Cat Will Haunt Your Dreams With His Handsomeness

By: Kelli Brinegar
For more than five years, Kelli Brinegar has been using her ability to write and her passion for research to tell the tale of what cats are thinking and why. She has provided care to more than 30 cats in her lifetime.Read more
| February 26, 2020

Werewolves are real! Well, werewolf cats anyway…

And these moon-howling felines are considered a newer breed in the cat world. The Lykoi breed was first recognized in 2011 and began thanks to a genetic mutation. Caused by a recessive gene, the first Lykoi were discovered in a feral cat colony and testing revealed the mutation responsible for the unique appearance was unrelated to other hairless cat breeds.

The term ‘lykoi’ is a rough translation for ‘wolf’ in Greek and its an aptly chosen name.


The sparse fur really does give these cats a lupine quality, but it’s not because they’re caught in the transformation from cat to wolf or vice versa. A natural mutation causes the Lykoi cat to lack an undercoat, leaving their skin exposed beneath a wispy topcoat. And while the coat appears wiry, it’s quite soft and silky.

And Lobo the Lykoi cat is all these things! Plus, he’s a purrfect model for his dad and professional photographer, Martin.



This Werewolf Cat is a Family Man

Along with dad Martin, Lobo lives with his mom, Talana, and Sphynx brother, Dobby.


And they love their wolfy boy, no matter what internet haters have to say. Talana said, “Some people think he has mange or is sick or has another kind of skin condition.”

They don’t understand the Lykoi kitty is just like other cats. Besides being uniquely handsome, he loves his family, enjoys playtime, digs catnip, and relishes a nap.



“There are different reactions when people see him for the first time, from confused to scared to curious to in love.”


And about falling in love, when the couple met the bare-chested lad, Talana reported, they fell “head over heels in love with the little fuzzy wolf.”


“His personality is that of a cat mixed with a monkey and mixed with a dog.”


Exposed Skin Means Extra Care

Lobo’s brother is a Sphynx cat, so Dobby requires special care to keep him in good shape. As Lobo sports a partially bare look himself, he also needs extra attention, but not quite as much as his brother.



Still, “he needs a bath every couple of months and ear and nail cleaning.”

And while all cats need nail trims and ear care, bathing isn’t usually necessary when a cat has a full coat. Hopefully, Lobo loves his baths because bathing a cat is hard enough without him having the added flair of being known as a ‘werewolf cat’.


Which leads to the question, if Lobo gives you a nip, would you become a werewolf cat too?

Here’s hoping!

H/T: www.dailymail.uk
Feature Image: @spynx_dobby_lykoi_lobo/Instagram