Sometimes, moms need a little help from their kids. This fact isn’t just for people, but holds true within the cat world too!
When Merriweather and kittens, Flora and Fauna, arrived at the Winnipeg Humane Society, staff noticed a deep bond between the kittens and the older cat. Though they aren’t her kittens, the younger two treat Merriweather like a mother, and act as guides because their sweet “mom” is blind.
Winnipeg Missing and Found Cat Watch/Facebook
Kristina Graham, manager of adoptions and retail for the Winnipeg Humane Society told Winnipeg CTV News, “She actually uses them for comfort and guidance. She will actually follow the kittens around the room, so we feel like it would be best if they got adopted together so that she would have a better chance at a fairly normal life as long as she has a seeing-eye cat to assist her.”
The babies, Flora and Fauna…
Winnipeg Missing and Found Cat Watch/Facebook
Winnipeg Missing and Found Cat Watch/Facebook
The two-year old ginger girl loves the babies and all the help they provide. At five months old, the two grey tabbies are ready to be adopted out, but the shelter desires the trio remain together. They are offering a bundled adoption rate as incentive to keep the little family a unit.
Surely potential adopters will want to keep this family together.
Tips for Life with a Blind Cat
From disease to genetics, old age to infections, many things can cause blindness in cats and kittens, but with some small adjustments and support from their people, cats can live healthy and full lives without sight.
Try these tips to give your sight-impaired cat some extra aid:
A life indoors
To keep blind cats safe, an indoors life is the best option. If you want your kitty to have outdoor time, supervision is a must. A harness and leash will keep you and your cat tethered while giving kitty some space to sniff the air and roll in the grass.
Consistency is key
While cats with vision loss grow adept at navigating their homes using whiskers, cute button noses, and keen hearing skills, it’s important to keep the environment in a consistent state. Moving furniture can cause your cat to bump into things and grow disoriented. Clutter can be a detriment as well. If your cat isn’t used to piles of paper or shelves of knickknacks, keep the collections and clutter well out of their usual paths, perhaps in a room closed off to the cat.
Changing the locations of food, water, or litter pans can cause anxiety and stress too. Try and keep kitty’s space as familiar and accessible as possible.
Block-off hazards
Stairs, balconies, and open windows can be fall hazards for a sightless cat. Be sure to keep windows and balcony accesses secure. Block stairways with gates as well as any other spots creating potential fall hazards. Keep doors closed to any areas unfamiliar to your cat. This goes double for doors leading outside.
Talk to your cat
Most importantly let your cat know you’re there. When approaching, give kitty a friendly warning in the form of a simple hello. It’s very easy to surprise a blind cat in a deep snooze. But aside from spooking kitty, your voice is familiar and can offer great comfort to a cat navigating the world in darkness.
Hopes for a Fur-Ever Home
Blind cats live happy lives with families who have the understanding and patience to help them. Let’s hope Merriweather, Flora, and Fauna find just such a family. Contact the Winnipeg Humane Society for more info on this adorable family.
UPDATE: Since we heard about these amazing kitties, they’ve found a home! Lenore Hume with the Winnipeg Humane Society tells iHeartCats:
“After all that media attention, they were able to be adopted together. A wonderful happy ending
H/T: Winnipeg CTV News
Feature Image: Winnipeg Missing and Found Cat Watch/Facebook