Back in 2014, Jericho Blue the Russian Blue cat was lost from his family in Ohio. Maureen Snowden said that Jericho was her son’s cat and she had been watching him while her son was away.
Unfortunately, Jericho got out of the house while under her care, likely sneaking out when their dog went outside to use the bathroom. This event was devastating for both Snowden and her son, Zak, but luckily, good things come to those who wait.
Jericho was Zak’s first cat that was completely his responsibility. Before Jericho, all the animals in their household had been family dogs and cats. So, Zak was devastated when his mom told him that she had lost his beloved cat.

About 5 years later, Snowden received a call saying that Jericho had been found. At first, she thought it was a prank call. She thought there was no way Jericho could have been found, especially so far away. All that time, she had just assumed the worst for poor Jericho. However, when her son heard the call, he convinced her that it had to be true.
Snowden decided to FaceTime the place that Jericho was staying to verify that it really was him. Sure enough, she recognized him right away and became more trusting of the situation.

Jericho’s Return
Jericho was found nearly 1,000 miles away in Sarasota, Florida. When he was found, they discovered that he had a microchip, which is what reunited him with his original family.
They also found that Jericho was very healthy and had no fleas. Because of this, they guessed that he had been with other families for the past few years. Someone in Ohio likely took him in and then ended up moving to Florida. However, no one really knows for sure what Jericho’s life was like for all those years.
Jericho is currently staying at Hagan’s Pet Resort in Sarasota. One of his family members will be flying down to pick him up soon, but in the meantime, he is in good hands at the pet resort. He is given plenty of food and he is surrounded by other friendly cats.

While Jericho’s family is still in shock, they are thrilled that Jericho will be returning after all this time. If they had not had him microchipped, he might have never been connected with them again.
“If Jericho Blue’s chip had not been up to date, he wouldn’t have probably made it back home,” said Patty Giarrusso, the founder of Lost Pet Services.
It is difficult to imagine what it would be like if your cat were to get lost. However, it is important to never give up. Snowden had just assumed that Jericho hadn’t survived, but she kept his chip updated just in case. It is important to always have hope, especially when it comes to your beloved cat.

Featured Image: Screenshot, ABC Action News