It takes a special kind of killjoy to complain about an adorable kitten taking refuge in an office building’s lobby but naysayers were recently lining up to do just that at a law office in Brazil. Not to be deterred from providing a safe haven to the fuzzy little kitten, the clever legal team found a perfect loophole allowing the cute kitten to stay for good, whether the party poopers “like it or not.” They named the tiny male stray Leon and his cuteness has inspired creativity in problem solving and the founding of an animal rights institute.
Board of Directors Makes a Clever Call
One stormy day the stray kitten snuck inside the reception area of the Order of Attorneys of Brazil (OAB). He quickly realized that it was far more comfortable inside than out so he stuck around. It didn’t take long for some people to start filing complaints, citing that Leon was in the way and had no business being in a “serious institution.”
The board of the OAB met to discuss the situation and came up with a solution. They would make Leon an employee of the OAB with his official duty being to greet and welcome visitors. They did so post-haste and even gave Leon an employee badge to make it official.
Leon is a Very Quiet Kitty
A veterinarian gave Leon a full check up, vaccinations, and neutered him. During the exam he was found to have damaged vocal cords. The vet suspected that the damage was a result of “suffering as a baby.” The little guy is very quiet as a result, making him even more ideally suited for the serious business of working in a law office.
Promoted to a Lawyer
Leon is being very well cared for, receiving food, toys, and all the attention he deserves. In addition to charming visitors to the OAB, he regularly peeks in on his teammates as he roams free through the office. His favorite spot is President Auriney’s sofa. Leon has proved himself such a capable and valuable member of the OAB team that he received a promotion to Dr. Leon, o Advogato, a play on the Portuguese words for a male lawyer (advogado) and cat (gato.)
OAB is Establishing a New Animal Welfare Institute
Dr. Leon’s grit and resilience were so inspiring to the OAB team that they have decided to make a difference in the lives of other animals in need. They are working to establish a new animal welfare institute that will benefit existing groups in the area. Dr. Leon’s representatives told Bored Panda,
“We are finalizing the documents to launch an animal rights institute. It’s called Instituto Dr. Leon. Unfortunately, we cannot house all [the animals], so we will fund the NGOs in town. We will be an example for Brazil [to follow].”
You can join the 75k other folks who are now following Dr. Leon and his absurdly cute antics on his Instagram page Dr. Leon, o Advogato.
Featured Image Screenshot Dr. Leon, o Advogato Instagram
It takes a special kind of killjoy to complain about an adorable kitten taking refuge in an office building’s lobby but naysayers were recently lining up to do just that at a law office in Brazil. Not to be deterred from providing a safe haven to the fuzzy little kitten, the clever legal team found a perfect loophole allowing the cute kitten to stay for good, whether the party poopers “like it or not.” They named the tiny male stray Leon and his cuteness has inspired creativity in problem solving and the founding of an animal rights institute.
Board of Directors Makes a Clever Call
One stormy day the stray kitten snuck inside the reception area of the Order of Attorneys of Brazil (OAB). He quickly realized that it was far more comfortable inside than out so he stuck around. It didn’t take long for some people to start filing complaints, citing that Leon was in the way and had no business being in a “serious institution.”
The board of the OAB met to discuss the situation and came up with a solution. They would make Leon an employee of the OAB with his official duty being to greet and welcome visitors. They did so post-haste and even gave Leon an employee badge to make it official.
Leon is a Very Quiet Kitty
A veterinarian gave Leon a full check up, vaccinations, and neutered him. During the exam he was found to have damaged vocal cords. The vet suspected that the damage was a result of “suffering as a baby.” The little guy is very quiet as a result, making him even more ideally suited for the serious business of working in a law office.
Promoted to a Lawyer
Leon is being very well cared for, receiving food, toys, and all the attention he deserves. In addition to charming visitors to the OAB, he regularly peeks in on his teammates as he roams free through the office. His favorite spot is President Auriney’s sofa. Leon has proved himself such a capable and valuable member of the OAB team that he received a promotion to Dr. Leon, o Advogato, a play on the Portuguese words for a male lawyer (advogado) and cat (gato.)
OAB is Establishing a New Animal Welfare Institute
Dr. Leon’s grit and resilience were so inspiring to the OAB team that they have decided to make a difference in the lives of other animals in need. They are working to establish a new animal welfare institute that will benefit existing groups in the area. Dr. Leon’s representatives told Bored Panda,
“We are finalizing the documents to launch an animal rights institute. It’s called Instituto Dr. Leon. Unfortunately, we cannot house all [the animals], so we will fund the NGOs in town. We will be an example for Brazil [to follow].”
You can join the 75k other folks who are now following Dr. Leon and his absurdly cute antics on his Instagram page Dr. Leon, o Advogato.
Featured Image Screenshot Dr. Leon, o Advogato Instagram