Kitten Who Fell Into Oil Drum Miraculously Survives, Against All Odds

By: Adri Sandoval
Adri Sandoval is the Special Projects Manager for iHeartDogs and iHeartCats. Her work has deepened her love for animals, fostering a strong passion for rescue and animal advocacy.Read more
| January 23, 2017

A stray black kitten named Sila found herself in a scary, sticky situation when she fell into drum of used engine oil.

It was a miracle that the kitten was found in time, and an even bigger one that she survived. As it turns out, the kitten had ingested some of the toxic oil that she had fallen in after her spill.

The kitten was rushed to the Just Cats rescue in Tasmania, where she was given emergency care.

“It was a bit touch-and-go because often the outlook for cats who have ingested engine oil is not good, she had to have a lot of car[e],” Just Cats director Rachel Beech said in a story by the Examiner.

Their biggest fear was that the oil could cause permanent damage to her liver, but amazingly, it appears to be functioning normally.

The kitten, who’s been through so much in her short 8-week life, has been named Sila, “which is Slovakian for ‘strength,'” explains a post on the rescue’s Facebook page.

Although Sila may temporarily lose her fur, which was damaged in the incident, it is expected to grow back as she makes her full recovery. According the the Examiner, dozens of people have already applied to adopt this little survivor.


Learn a little more about Sila:

We’re so happy that this lucky black kitty’s future is looking bright and that Just Cats gave her a second chance at a wonderful life!

If you’d like to help this nonprofit rescue more cats like Sila, click here.

(h/t: Examiner)