Kitten Is Rescued From Rubble Left By California Wildfire

By: Adri Sandoval
Adri Sandoval is the Special Projects Manager for iHeartDogs and iHeartCats. Her work has deepened her love for animals, fostering a strong passion for rescue and animal advocacy.Read more
| October 21, 2017

The devastation in California seems insurmountable following the wildfires that raged through parts of the state. But out of of the ash in the town of Truckee, a tiny miracle emerged.

The Truckee Fire Department posted on Facebook that they were sifting through the ruins when they spotted a kitten.

“Yesterday, October 17th, while working on the Atlas Fire, the Truckee Fire Crew on Engine 292 noticed a small cat run across a burnt hillside and in to a hole in the side of the foundation of a destroyed house,” they recounted.

Shocked to see a sign of life, the crew knew that the baby needed to be saved.

“Knowing the land surrounding the foundation was still scattered with hot ash and burning roots, the crew knew it was best to do what they could to get the cat to safety,” they posted.

The team caught the kitten, and amazingly, a few singed hairs were the only sign that it had survived what must have been a terrifying ordeal.

“As you can see, the young cat was able to be pulled from under the house and, along with their Strike Team Leader, E292’s crew was able to get the cat safely to an animal shelter where it will hopefully be reunited with its family,” they said.

If the kitten goes unclaimed, we have no doubt that this little survivor will find a forever home in no time. (Perhaps they’ll decide to name it “Smokey”?)

Thanks to the Truckee Fire Crew for saving this little life!