At just four weeks old, kitten Savannah found herself caught in a blazing dumpster fire. But thanks to the work of the Clark County Fire Department and Clark County Animal Protection Services, she was pulled from the flames and rushed into the care of The Las Vegas Animal Foundation and Pet Health Hospital of Las Vegas, NV, for emergency treatment.
Severely burned, Savannah needed much attention. But time in the incubator, good food, and lots of love and care from vet staff and the veterinarian who fostered her have given the tiny kitten a chance at happily ever after. And lucky for her, Savannah didn’t have to go far to find her forever home as her new dad was one of the staff who helped her get back on her tiny paws!

One Tough Fighter
Examination revealed Savannah had suffered third-degree burns to her tail, ear tips, and paw pads, with her poor little feet seeing the worst of the damage. She was given medicine to ease her pain and placed in an incubator for some healing warmth. But such devastating trauma in kittens can be challenging.
The Animal Foundation explained on Facebook, “Because Savannah is so tiny, she doesn’t have a fully functioning immune system, but as long as Savannah is eating, there is hope.”

“She’s a fighter.”
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As Savannah needed round-the-clock care, Dr. Allison Clarke with the Pet Health Hospital not only treated the little one she also fostered her. Since Savannah spent so much time at the clinic with Dr. Clarke, she soon had the staff wrapped around her sweet paw! And all that extra love, care, and playtime certainly contributed to Savannah’s healing.

“She is doing awesome,” Dr. Clarke told Fox5. “She is never going to look exactly like she did before. She is going to have some scarring and her ears are kind of misshapen but that is okay. They will just make her cuter.”
Her Dad Was There All Along
Alex Reyes works as a vet assistant at Pet Health and, as one of the team who provided care to Savannah during her weeks with them, he thinks her unique look is just part of the magic that makes the tough kitten who she is!

You’ll never find another cat with half ears or a fake nose as we call it,” Alex shared with KTNV. “I think it makes her look cute and different.”
Getting to know Savannah, Alex knew they were meant to be family and adopted the feisty girl as soon as she was deemed healthy and strong. Now, Savannah is home forever with her new dad. And the purroud cat papa sees a happy future for his kitten.
“Every animal deserves a second chance and she definitely got hers, and we’re going to make the best of it,” said Alex.

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The Animal Foundation also thanked everyone who donated to Savannah’s care, sharing, “We see a lot of hard cases and abuse situations. Your support helps us care for animals with specialized medical cases, just like Savannah.”
#GoodNews this Sunday. Update on Savannah, a Las #Vegas kitten rescued from a dumpster fire. We told you her story a few weeks ago. The @animalfndlv says she’s healing great, is playful and loves attention. She has some scars from her burns but should have a happy, normal life!
— Clark County Nevada (@ClarkCountyNV) May 29, 2022
Feature Image: The Animal Foundation/Facebook