11 Powerful Before & After Photos That Prove Rescue Saves Lives
Being involved in animal rescue, regardless of species, takes a lot of work. The time, dedication, space and money involved all take a toll on...
Being involved in animal rescue, regardless of species, takes a lot of work. The time, dedication, space and money involved all take a toll on...
Salem VA Medical Center in Salem, Virginia has a very special resident in their hospital. His name is Tom, and he's a tomcat that's established...
Your purchases from iHeartCats.com matter! Here's just another example of how together we're making a difference! Miss Button was brought into Hands Helping Paws (HHP) rescue...
Your purchases from iHeartCats.com matter! Here's just another example of how together we're making a difference! Serena was relinquished to a high kill shelter with...
May Update: 127,178 Meals Provided for Shelter Cats! We've hit a NEW RECORD! Through your purchases oniHeartCats.com, last month we provided 127,178 meals for shelter...
Update: According to the Just Giving page for kittens Luke and Skywalker, £17,501.26 -- or about $25,569.34--was raised to help in the kittens' recovery! What a huge...