Louis Wildlife, A Cat Of The Earth Who Wants Us All To Care About The Environment
The Earth needs more souls to protect her and one cat is proving you don’t have to be human to do your part in saving...
The Earth needs more souls to protect her and one cat is proving you don’t have to be human to do your part in saving...
Jasper the cat easily draws attention. As a ‘hairless’ cat, Jasper is used to garnering attention for his ‘naked’ appearance. The unique visage of Sphynx...
Climbing comes naturally to cats; they’ve got the best built-in climbing gear nature has to offer. Some kitties have extra special skills though. And when...
Here’s a scenario for you... You’re cruising along in your sailing yacht with the promise of good seas ahead. But, dawn has not yet colored...
The Gulf of Mexico is home to emerald green waters filled with beautiful marine life. It’s a playground for anglers and sometimes its salty depths...
Thanks to a twist of her genetics, you won’t be able to look away from striking cat beauty Odd-Eyed Olive. An Oriental shorthair, Olive is...
In this time of quarantining and distancing, some people are finding a minute to tackle ideas long on the mind, but not done because time...
Werewolves are real! Well, werewolf cats anyway… And these moon-howling felines are considered a newer breed in the cat world. The Lykoi breed was first...
Resilient and strong, cats often survive hardships that would take down humans or other animals. Truly, cats are a mystery of will with something magical...
Rescuing cats leads to forever families and happy hearts. But rescue and adoption is about more than creating happy homes, its also about saving lives....