Sir Thomas Trueheart is a big, brave name–and you may never meet a cat that is more deserving of such a valiant title.
Sir Thomas Trueheart–aka, Tommy–has touched the hearts of many, including photographer Casey Elise. You may remember Casey from a story we did a few weeks ago that featured her volunteer work photographing blind shelter cats. When she met Tommy, she was so moved by his story and sweet personality, she set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for his extensive treatment.

You see, Tommy was a stray living in the desert in California. A few caring locals got into the habit of feeding him, but he still had nowhere but the streets to call home. Then one horrific day, he showed up at the house of one of the families that fed him. Only that day, he was covered in burns. Some sick person had doused him in acid, and the substance had melted off half his face, including his right eye. On GoFundMe, Casey says that he had “wandered for days in agony” with his injuries.

The family rushed Tommy to the vet, where they determined he was also FIV+. The doctor offered little advice other than to have him euthanized. But the family refused to give up on the furry fighter. They reached out to Milo’s Sanctuary, a non-profit rescue that specializes in providing care for special needs cats. The rescue immediately jumped in to help and Tommy was granted a second chance–but the road ahead was long and tough.

“Thomas was at the vet for over a month on antibiotics, pain medications, and sugar bandages to help the wound heal and granulate,” Casey wrote on GoFundMe. “Then he went to a surgical specialist who did an amazing job with a skin graft.”
Despite the cruelty and trauma he endured, this resilient cat continues to trust and love, purring and kissing his caregivers. Now that the surgeries are over, he is finally able to live with his Lifetime Care Foster Family!

Tommy’s story continues to inspire people around the world. Although his treatment resulted in extensive vet bills, over $8,000 of the $10,000 goal has been raised through GoFundMe. Amazing!
See Tommy in a news feature on the Milo’s Sanctuary “Walk A Mile In Our Paws” event:
While humans can be so cruel, this story shows us that there are thousands of people out there who are more than willing to pitch in to help. It’s also a beautiful reminder of the unlimited forgiveness of animals and their ability to forget the past and live each day to the fullest!
Special thanks to Milo’s Sanctuary for providing excellent care to Sir Thomas Trueheart, and so many other cats like him. If you’d like to donate to this wonderful non-profit rescue, click here.