Cat Wearing A Cone Discovers A New & Ingenious Way To Drink

| Published on June 4, 2015

No one wants to wear the cone of shame. Dogs don’t like it, and cat’s don’t like it either. There are some cats and some dogs who make the most out of the cone of shame. Some owners even came up with something creative and did something very awesome with the cone of shame. They decorated the cone to make it look fun and festive!

This cat however has discovered something amazing. She thought it was gonna be hard for her to drink from the faucet with the cone of shame on her. But then she found a new and easier way to drink! Watch the video below and see how she does it!

Pretty cool, right? That’s one clever cat!

Has your cat ever done something so smart that it just blew you away? Tell us about it in the comments section below!