Cats have the ability to make anyone’s day brighter with their silliness, and that’s just what Milo the cat does for his favorite postal worker. Elizabeth Lara delivers mail to Milo’s house almost every day, and it’s the same thing every time she slips the mail into the slot. Milo pretends he hates mail and tries to block the envelopes from invading his turf by batting at them with his curious paws!
But according to Elizabeth, Milo isn’t mean when slapping at her hands. He’s a playful cat who’s not afraid to reach out, but “never with claws or anything like that.”

Milo understands the bills must come, and Elizabeth is just doing her job. But hey, why not have a little fun with a friend before accepting the inevitable?
Sharing a Smile
Because she and Milo play their game almost every day, Elizabeth decided to catch the fun on video and share it on TikTok, commenting, “The struggles of being a mail lady.”
As Elizabeth flips the slot, out pop some fluffy orange and white paws, reaching and batting at the envelopes. As the video shows, she’s then treated to a glimpse of a cute feline face. But don’t worry, Milo eventually decides the mail can enter and allows Elizabeth to deliver. But only because he says it’s okay!

“I finally recorded it to share with people [about] who makes my day 100 times better,” Elizabeth explained. “He’s the sweetest!”

Over 250K people have seen the funny cat video, and more than 50 thousand TikTok users agree that Milo is a cutie. The two love their silly game, and it offers a moment of connection that makes Elizabeth smile and brings Milo some playtime joy.
And, because we love cats and fun, let’s smile at some more cute cats who enjoy mail deliveries, courtesy of social media magic.
OT is diligent in making sure people are aware of mail speeds so they don’t get caught in a bind when shipping runs slow! He’s just a good cat doing everything he can to make sure the packages go out on time…

Grechka wants you to know, “Mail slot cat iz here to sitz on ur mail!”

Sullivan is ready to show the mailman his new hat!

Chester the mail cat listens intently for delivery instructions…

This kitty is “waiting on that catnip delivery” from the mail carrier who loves “delivering mail and petting cats!”

Mail carriers and cats seem to have a rapport that keeps on giving! Find out how a Mail Carrier Delivered Kindness And Rescue To Stray Cat In Need!
Feature Image: @lizlara07/TikTok