A ‘Bottle Baby’ Kitten Thanks You

By: Kelli Brinegar
For more than five years, Kelli Brinegar has been using her ability to write and her passion for research to tell the tale of what cats are thinking and why. She has provided care to more than 30 cats in her lifetime.Read more
| April 8, 2020

Cats and kittens in shelters and foster care across the nation thank you! By simply purchasing merchandise with a heart, you’re keeping cats fed and giving tiny kittens a chance.

Thanks to a partnership between iHeartCats.com and GreaterGood.org, every purchase made from the iHeartCats store helps rescue facilities and shelters continue to save cats and kittens. The Rescue Bank, a pet food distribution initiative in the GreaterGood family, has been keeping hungry bellies full in shelters across America since 2011. To date, Rescue Bank has fed shelter animals over 80 million meals.

Image via Cape Kitty Rescue

And when we think of meals, we often think of sacks of dry kibble and cans of wet food for adult cats. But the babies that wind up in shelters require special kitten food for their young tummies. And sometimes, those kittens are so small, they still require bottle feeding.

Thanks to The Rescue Bank, shelters and rescue groups are provided with kitten food and the monies saved from purchasing food go further to help bottle feed these younglings in need.

Malone was one such kitten to benefit from The Rescue Bank’s effort.

Image via Cape Kitty Rescue

A Tabby Kitten Alone and Scared

Less than 2 weeks old, little Malone was discovered under a house, crying for help. At so young an age, Malone still needed his mother’s milk. But as a kitten alone, he needed help from caring human hands. And luckily for Malone, the ‘bottle baby’ found himself in the care of Cape Kitty Rescue.

Image via Cape Kitty Rescue

Cape Kitty reported, “Last summer was the first time we’d gotten kitten food from GreaterGood.org’s Rescue Bank.” And once Malone grew a little, he started chowing down on “the Royal Canin kitten food.”

“He loved it and thrived.”

Image via Cape Kitty Rescue

Thanks to the efforts of Rescue Bank and dedicated rescuers, Malone is now a happy cat with a forever home! At 8 weeks old, Malone was adopted along with two new furry sisters. During his foster time, “Malone had been in three different homes with several older cats, so he was perfectly at home with his older sisters.”

Cape Kitty Rescue remarked, “He looks wonderfully happy.”

Let’s Keep the Success Stories Coming

Malone is a success story thanks to the Rescue Bank. And according to Cape Kitty, “We mostly use Rescue Bank food for our feral cat colonies. The money we save on food helps us provide spay/neuter and other medical care to cats, and to provide funds for the shots, and other services our kittens need to qualify for adoption.”

And the results of their efforts have proved impressive. “This year we provided extensive medical care to two cats and services to 43 kittens with foster care for 38, as well as spay/neuter to 25 and feeding our feral colonies.”

We can continue to help shelters and rescue groups by simply purchasing the adorable merchandise found on iHeartCats.com. And the more we do, the greater the successes will be.

Feature Image: Cape Kitty Rescue

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