If you are (or know) someone who is just crazy about their kitties, this new book is going to be at the top of your holiday wish list.
Written by a cat lady herself, bestselling feline author Allia Zobel Nolan, and chock-full of hiss-terical illustrations by Sylvia cartoonist, Nicole Hollander, Women Who Still Love Cats Too Much validates the challenges women go through to do more, be more; give more to the fur balls who share (and rule) their lives. But it makes women entangled in this self-depreciating web to feel better about themselves, as they realize they are not alone!

So, does she consider herself a “crazy cat lady”? The answer may surprise you:
“You know the stereotypical image of the crazy cat lady is of a spinster, in slovenly clothes, who lives with hordes of cats in a stinky house that looks like a bomb hit it. Other than the messy house, I don’t fit that category. Some may consider my over-the-top treatment of my cats “crazy.” But I believe if you are blessed with the care of an animal, you should do all you can to make it happy and comfortable…everything.”
She does, however, go to great lengths to ensure that happiness and comfort she mentions. What the most bizarre thing she’s ever done? She responds:
“Well, I don’t consider anything I’ve ever done for my cats ‘bizarre.’ The book notwithstanding, others whose involvement with their puddies may not run as deeply as my own, may think I spoil them—what with insisting on fresh, wild caught (never farmed) salmon for their meals, or hiring a vet technician to come in to the house six times a day to make sure they are okay when I’m away for more than two hours. Also, when I’m cuddling my newly-rescued baby, Nolan Nolan, I also run my face up and down his fur, imitating the licking gestures a mommy cat makes when she cleans her puddy. I do that because he is under a year old and may be missing being groomed by his birth mom. But I don’t consider any of that ‘bizarre.’ However, I read on the web of some woman who actually ‘married’ her cat. Now, to me, that’s bizarre. That’s like marrying your child.”

So why the book that seems to highlight that she is, indeed a crazy cat lady, (even if she protests the title?)
“I know there are women out there who try (many in vain) to cover up their addiction to pleasing their puddies,” says Zobel Nolan. “I’m one of them. So I reprised this book for two reasons: to throw cold water in their faces so they snap out of their dilemma and get a life (fat chance), and failing that, to let feline-addicted women know they’re a member of a silent sorority who find it impossible to look into their cat’s heart-wrenching eyes and say that callous two-letter word ‘No.’ ”
“Women like us wouldn’t think twice about hiring a personal trainer to exercise our cats’ arms and legs while they nap, so the babies don’t have to expend the energy,” confides Zobel Nolan. “It’s just the kind of thing we do, and Women WhoStill Love Cats Too Much finally clears the air about it… I’m just hoping readers will find themselves in these pages and learn to appreciate and laugh at the things we do for love.”
You can purchase Women Who Still Love Cats Too Much (ISBN-9780757318726) wherever books are sold or directly from the publisher at www.hcibooks.com
Here are 6 signs from the book that, if you do, may mean you are a crazy cat lady just like us at iHeartCats!
#1 – You might be a crazy cat lady if…

#2 – You might be a crazy cat lady if…

#3 – You might be a crazy cat lady if…

#4 – You might be a crazy cat lady if…

#5 – You might be a crazy cat lady if…

#6 – You might be a crazy cat lady if…