5 Great Reasons To Spay Or Neuter Your Cat

| February 2, 2016

Millions of cats are euthanized each year because there simply aren’t enough homes for them all. It’s commonplace these days for shelters to make sure their cats are spayed or neutered before being adopted– a commitment that helps end the cycle. Trap, Neuter, Return groups are also working tirelessly all over the world to end future feral colonies by spaying and neutering local stray and feral cats.

If reproduction isn’t a possibility for your indoors-only cat, you may not think it’s important to spay or neuter your cat. It turns out that there many more reasons to schedule a spaying or neutering surgery.


Image: Sean MacEntee via Flickr

#1 – Your cat can live a longer and healthier life
Spaying and neutering can prevent or vastly reduce your cat’s chances of developing several serious health conditions. Spayed females are far less likely to suffer from uterine infections and breast tumors (which, according to the ASPCA, are malignant or cancerous in 90% of cats). Neutered males are immune from testicular cancer and some prostate issues.


Image: Robert Couse-Baker via Flickr

#2 – Spayed females won’t go into heat
Most un-spayed females will go into heat for 4-5 days every few weeks during breeding season. They’ll exhibit all kinds of undesirable behaviors to attract a mate, not the least of which is relentless yowling. Many cats also urinate in inappropriate places around the house when they’re in heat. Spaying stops the heat cycle.


Image: Daniel Spiess via Flickr

#3 – Neutered males are less likely to roam
Un-neutered males are more likely to seek creative ways to sneak out of the house. Once he’s out there he’ll be free to impregnate any un-spayed cats he encounters. He’ll also face all of the other dangers of the outdoors like traffic, aggressive animals, and abusive humans.


Image: Alan Levine via Flickr

#4 – Less likely to spray
Cats who aren’t on the prowl for a mate feel less competitive and territorial about other cats being around. This means that cats who are spayed or neutered are far less likely to resort to territorial spraying.


Image: mark sebastian via Flickr

#5 – It’s cost effective
If cost is the reason you haven’t spayed or neutered your cat, just think of how expensive it would be to care for a litter of kittens! Use the Humane Society’s low-cost spaying and neutering tool to input your zip code to find an affordable spay and neuter clinic near you!

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