A cat named Lunchbox weighed 28 lbs when she arrived at Kitty Adventure Rescue League and Sanctuary in January of 2015.

“She was so out of shape,” says one of the owners on Reddit, “she couldn’t walk more than a few feet without getting winded and having to rest. Her stomach was barely an inch off the floor. She couldn’t groom at all, she was matted and we had to clean up her backside regularly because, well she couldn’t.”

Since the cats at the sanctuary all eat food that has been donated, the organization veered towards an exercise plan rather than a diet to help Lunchbox get healthier.
“We have a very large place and we place the necessities in various locations meaning cats have to walk quite a distance to get to the food, the litter, or the water since each is in a different room. We generally keep cat beds off the floor and encourage them to climb or walk up small steps to get to lounging areas. Lunchbox loves the back of the couch and one of the kitchen tables, but she has to work to get to it.”

It worked! By the end of July 2015, less than 7 months after arriving at the shelter, Lunchbox had shed half of her body weight!

“She’s elderly (14!) and still quite chubby, but weighs in at 14.9 lbs and even runs across the house. And jumps! And grooms! She’s an amazing old lady, and we’re so happy to get her into a healthier weight range.”
Kitty Adventure Rescue League and Sanctuary is a cat rescue and feline retirement community located in Fort Worth, TX. Their mission is to provide top notch life-long care to disabled, special needs, and elderly cats. Visit their website at www.kittyadventure.com