15 Cats Who Love To Terrorize Their Floppy Fish Toys

By: Kelli Brinegar
For more than five years, Kelli Brinegar has been using her ability to write and her passion for research to tell the tale of what cats are thinking and why. She has provided care to more than 30 cats in her lifetime.Read more
| January 27, 2021

Cat toys can be as alluring to cat lovers as they are to felines themselves.

How many times have you been drawn in by sparkles and crinkles and squeakers, thinking your cat would love a certain toy?

Yep, it happens more than we care to admit and the proof is left tossed on the floor waiting for the kitty dears to get silly.

Then, there are always certain toys which claim a special place in playtime for both you and your cat. And recently, a fun new kind of cat toy has both cat parents and their felines flipping! You’ve probably already seen the flopping fish toy and, chances are, you’ve already laughed at a video showing how much a cat enjoys that motorized flappy body thanks to cat parents with social media accounts!

So Many Fish Choices in the Sea

These flopping fish cat toys have mesmerized felines worldwide with their catnip scent and battery-operated motor. All that flapping and flipping drives cats wild. And with a whole school of realistic fish skins, you can give your cat an ocean’s worth of variety!

People Magazine quoted one happy fish buyer as saying, “I’m never sure if a new cat toy will be received as well as I hope, but this one sure delivered. My three cats have been playing with it almost nonstop, except for when I have to take it away to charge it.”

And cats who keep to regular play tend to be happy and healthy kitties. Just check out all these cats keeping fit with their floppy fish toys!

Flopping Fish Love

Tobias the tabby cat is “just hangin on tight to one of my favorite birthday presents!”

Oliver Da Cat wants everyone to know, “I love my #floppyfish so much.”

Princess Cotton encourages her fishy to just chill!

Fluffy cat Mr. Tisha says, “i attac da snac”

Doc loves his fish so much, he keeps close cuddles on them while they charge!

“The Flash vs The Fish”

Open wide for fish tails!

Taco cat “officially killed the #floppyfish” but instead of a snack, this fish looks more like a nap buddy for a comfy cat…

Noodle goes kitten wild for a flapping fish!

A cat named Elmer sings out his love for a floppy fish!

Mind your business, human! This is between and a cat and a fish…


Cloud loves giving kissies to fishies!

Pixel is all smiles cuz he’s “gone fishin’!”

H/T: www.people.com
Feature Image: @bengalfeverforever/Instagram & @pixelandsophie/Instagram