Man Shone A Light In Deep Hole, Finds Missing Cat With A Partner Down Below

| January 21, 2025

Just before the start of the new year, a family in Gisborne, Australia, found themselves in a panic after their beloved cat disappeared. Desperately searching high and low, they eventually located her in a shocking and unexpected place: trapped 13 feet underground in a hole at a construction site. But the surprises didn’t end there—another cat was down in the hole with her. Manfred John Zabinskas, from Five Freedoms Animal Rescue and East Trentham Wildlife Shelter, was called to the scene to assist. When he arrived, he immediately understood the daunting challenge ahead.

“When I looked down the holes, I was astounded by how deep they were,” Zabinskas explained to The Dodo. “I immediately realized that it was going to be a difficult rescue and was worried that my equipment wouldn’t be adequate. I couldn’t recognize that the animals were cats because they were so far down and covered in dirt. They weren’t moving or making any sounds.”

Determined to save them, Zabinskas realized his usual tools wouldn’t suffice. The depth required him to improvise. With a volunteer holding his legs for safety, Zabinskas leaned into the hole with his pole, but the cats, frightened and motionless, remained out of reach.

After some teamwork with the local crew, Zabinskas found a longer pole equipped with a hook, which turned out to be the ideal solution. Using great care, he managed to lift both cats to safety. Once on solid ground, the cats were visibly terrified and eager to escape.

“They were terrified and wanted to run off,” Zabinskas said. “We were very careful to restrain them and not get bitten, but also to not let them slip away and end up down another hole.”

The second cat, whose origins were unknown, was taken to a nearby veterinarian for a thorough check-up. She received food and water and was scanned for a microchip to determine if she had a family waiting for her. If not, plans were made to find her a loving home. Meanwhile, the family’s missing pet was quickly reunited with her relieved owners.

“The owners got their cat back with much relief and gratitude,” Five Freedoms Animal Rescue shared on Facebook. “[A]t least for these [two] cats and a loving family, 2025 is looking better.”

She Harmed Terrified, Helpless Animals for YouTube Views and Likes
She Harmed Terrified, Helpless Animals for YouTube Views and Likes

A woman stands accused of seeking out live animals to harm them for her YouTube channel videos. Authorities must ban her from owning, adopting, living with, or working with pets ever again!

What started as a heartbreaking situation ended with hope and joy, thanks to the quick thinking and compassion of all involved.

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