Tiny Kitten Meets A Puppy For The First Time

| Published on May 5, 2015

 This tiny kitten had the chance to meet Skipper, a Dalmatian puppy who had never met a cat before. Skipper seemed utterly confused by the kitten’s presence but soon became overjoyed and wanted nothing more than to be friends. Probably thinking Skipper was an oversized, ugly cat, the little kitten took Skipper’s playful gestures in stride and accepted. This silly duo spent time gently wrestling while Skipper barked and the kitten nibbled on his toes. They’re so cute to watch we might have had more fun than they did! This looks to be the start of a beautiful friendship and we can only hope that they get the chance to spend more time together!

The matching duo really seems to be having a great time and we can only hope to see more videos coming from them. While they might not live together now, it seems like someone is trying to talk Skipper’s owner into adopting the little kitten – something we think is a great idea!