This Rescued Cat Saved This Man’s life From A Burning Building

By: Adri Sandoval
Adri Sandoval is the Special Projects Manager for iHeartDogs and iHeartCats. Her work has deepened her love for animals, fostering a strong passion for rescue and animal advocacy.Read more
| December 24, 2014

Craig Jeeves rescued this cat years ago and gave it a new life. Today, this cat was able to return the favor when his owner’s house broke into fire. Craig Jeeves was asleep when the fire started and amazingly his cat was able to wake him up to run for safety. Firefighters were astonished by this intentional heroic act. Watch the video below to see the whole story. Awesome!

This cat deserves a medal of honor! Has your cat done anything like this?

Craig Jeeves rescued this cat years ago and gave it a new life. Today, this cat was able to return the favor when his owner’s house broke into fire. Craig Jeeves was asleep when the fire started and amazingly his cat was able to wake him up to run for safety. Firefighters were astonished by this intentional heroic act. Watch the video below to see the whole story. Awesome!

This cat deserves a medal of honor! Has your cat done anything like this?