As we all know, when its catnap time it could be anywhere as long as its comfortable. This cat found a comfortable place to nap inside a coffee cup! His owner was looking for his coffee mug and was quite surprised to see that his sweet little kitty had fallen asleep inside it! A cup of cute kitty could make my day too – lol 🙂
Who wouldn’t fell for this cutie! He is just adorable! Please leave a comment below if you have a cute cat like this!
As we all know, when its catnap time it could be anywhere as long as its comfortable. This cat found a comfortable place to nap inside a coffee cup! His owner was looking for his coffee mug and was quite surprised to see that his sweet little kitty had fallen asleep inside it! A cup of cute kitty could make my day too – lol 🙂
Who wouldn’t fell for this cutie! He is just adorable! Please leave a comment below if you have a cute cat like this!