This Ginger Kitty Doesn’t Need A Cat Tree, She’s Got Her Very Own Sink

Written by: Kelli Brinegar
For more than five years, Kelli Brinegar has been using her ability to write and her passion for research to tell the tale of what cats are thinking and why. She has provided care to more than 30 cats in her lifetime.Read more
| Published on September 14, 2020

Kitty cats have the ability to get comfy no matter where they are, but we still can’t help scratching our heads when a cat develops a favorite napping spot we might find a bit odd.

For example, a silly ginger tabby by the name of Lazuli loves to doze in a bathroom sink. Surely, her parents were left purrplexed by her choice of beds. But, what’s a cat lover to do when they discover something their kitty dear loves?

That’s right! They accommodate her every whim, which is just what Lazuli’s parents did.

Image Courtesy of Brennan via The Dodo

Sinks from the Start

When Lazuli and sister Lapis came to their forever home as kittens, Lazuli discovered her love for the sinks early on. Nice and cool, she found it a spot just right for kitty. Her dad told The Dodo, “She kept sneaking into the bathrooms as we were leaving them to relax in sinks”.

But there was a problem with her sink lounging. Lazuli was all alone in her sink and “would yell for help when she realized she was stuck in there without the rest of her pack/pride.”

Image Courtesy of Brennan via The Dodo

Being devoted minions, her parents decided Lazuli needed a sink of her own in the room she shared with her sister. So, they headed to Home Dept and picked out a sink just right for feline lounging. “It was only like 30 bucks which isn’t really much more than most cat trees and toys, so it was worth it.”

Plus, as Brennan shared, “It’s not even heavy like you would think so it was easy to set up for her.”

Image Courtesy of Brennan via The Dodo

A Sink All Her Own

And what did Lazuli think of her special sink?

Her dad reports she loved it! The pics he captured reveal her joy. “She’s essentially saying … ‘Really?! My own sink just for me.’”

Luckily, the sink really turned out to be just for Lazuli. “It’s quite popular in the summer, but only with Lazuli. The other cats don’t seem to care about it.”

Image Courtesy of Brennan via The Dodo

The other felines of the house probably have their own silly places they choose to lounge. Lazuli doesn’t mind at all, this means the sink belongs just to her. And with it in her room with her sister, she gets her comfy spot and her family time!

Feature Image Courtesy of Brennan via The Dodo