This Cat Is Excited To See His Human Arrive Home!

| February 9, 2016

Who says only dogs can welcome their humans home?

We’ve seen videos of cats who are so sweet in welcoming their humans home. There was even that one cat who was so vocal about how much he missed his human!

Now here’s another cat who likes to welcome his human home! This kitty claws at the glass door when he sees his human arriving home. Check out the video below!

Awww…what a sweet kitty!

Does your cat also do a special welcome home greeting when you arrive? What does he/she do? Share your stories with us in the comments section below!

Who says only dogs can welcome their humans home?

We’ve seen videos of cats who are so sweet in welcoming their humans home. There was even that one cat who was so vocal about how much he missed his human!

Now here’s another cat who likes to welcome his human home! This kitty claws at the glass door when he sees his human arriving home. Check out the video below!

Awww…what a sweet kitty!

Does your cat also do a special welcome home greeting when you arrive? What does he/she do? Share your stories with us in the comments section below!