When I was a wee cat lover, I regularly visited my grandparents’ house as they lived around the corner. Like my parents, they were cat lovers and always had an array of felines. And among their clowder, my grandparents always made sure to have a Siamese. Now, usually, every kitty they adopted wound up my friend. But one of their Siamese cats did not care for me as I stole his attention when I visited. To prove his ire at me, Jason used to steal my toys and run away growling to hide under the bed, ferociously guarding his filched prize.
I’ve always thought the toy theft amusing, so this video tale of feline thievery took me back to my childhood and gave me a good laugh. But while Jason stole my stuff to prove a point, Batman the Munchkin Cat started stealing his human sister’s stuffed animals to give them as gifts to his mom! You’ll enjoy the video too, but as you’re watching, you may find you recognize Batman as the zany cat who proved a smash not so long ago thanks to a box and a well-chosen Alice in Chains song.

Where Have All the Toys Gone?
Discovering stuffed animals from a box in her daughter’s room scattered around the house, cat mom Christine couldn’t figure out how they were landing in the random spots. She had her suspicions because she shares her home with three cats, including the mischievous Munchkin. And a camera setup solved the mystery right away, revealing Batman to be the thieving culprit.

Because his teenage sister loves him, she gave Batman the box of toys, and, in his joy, he began gifting them to his mom every night. In the light of morning, Christine would wake to find at least two stuffed animals waiting to greet her. And since it began, the gifting fun has become a nightly ritual.
“Sometimes I let them collect upstairs just so I’m showing him that I appreciate all the gifts he brings me,” Christine told the Dodo in a Cat Crazy video.

“He loves gifting.”
While kitty sibs Bambi and Larry aren’t into the stuffed animals or gifting, Batman keeps them included in the play fun by chasing their tails and pouncing on them in what Christine described as a “scary little jump.” To only be one pound, Batman weighs in with a ton of purrsonality!

Does Batman Look Familiar?
In watching his video of toy theft, you may realize you already know Batman the Munchkin Cat, thanks to a hilarious post that earned him the nicknames “Box Cat” and “The Metal Munchkin.” In the Reel that introduced him to so many cat lovers, Batman wears a box and pads across the frame. The music labels him the Man, or should we say, Cat in the Box. Yep, the toy thief and box-wearing metal cat are one in the same. Turns out, Batman is a silly Munchkin all the way through!
Follow Batman the Munchkin Cat on Instagram and TikTok and keep up with this metal maniac feline!
H/T: www.laughingsquid.com
Feature Image: @batman_the_munchkin_cat/Instagram