Adopters Respond To ‘Curly Kittens’ Taken To A Small Animal Shelter

| December 27, 2024

When a visitor arrived at the Scituate Animal Shelter of Massachusetts to surrender three kittens, the staff immediately knew they were in for a special treat. The moment the kittens were brought in, the shelter team was captivated by their unique appearance and charm. “You could call it a ‘cartoon moment’ — when eyes bugged and little hearts formed,” said Amanda Eddy Baker, the shelter’s director of programs and operations, in an interview with The Dodo. “I’d never seen kittens like that!”

The kittens, part of the Selkirk Rex breed, are known for their distinctive curly fur, giving them an irresistibly plush, almost stuffed-animal-like look. Their rare features left the shelter staff both surprised and delighted. “The staff was shocked, in the most delighted way!” Baker said. “We see so many kittens each year, but I tell you, it never gets old!”

Although Scituate is a smaller shelter that handles around 500 adoptions annually, the team works tirelessly to ensure that every animal finds a loving home. However, these three kittens hardly needed any help finding families. After posting about the kittens on Facebook earlier this week, the response from potential adopters was overwhelming.

“We had roughly 50 people email, which is A LOT for us!” Baker said. Describing the kittens as “magnificent,” the shelter saw each one adopted within just 13 minutes of their availability being announced. It was a record-breaking moment for the team.

Baker is confident the kittens will thrive in their new homes. “We are very optimistic they will be amazing cats!” she shared. “They were already super social when they came in, a great sign.”

While the three Selkirk Rex kittens are set to begin their lives as cherished companions, Baker reminds everyone that countless other cats at shelters are still waiting for their chance. Shy or less flashy cats are equally deserving of loving homes and often repay their adopters with boundless affection and gratitude.

She Harmed Terrified, Helpless Animals for YouTube Views and Likes
She Harmed Terrified, Helpless Animals for YouTube Views and Likes

A woman stands accused of seeking out live animals to harm them for her YouTube channel videos. Authorities must ban her from owning, adopting, living with, or working with pets ever again!

Though the kittens’ adoption story is heartwarming, it also serves as a reminder to consider all the animals in need when looking to add a furry friend to your family.

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