Our cats aren’t just pets; they are treasures! We value them just as we do our family members and close friends. Felines are often misunderstood. Some people believe that they aren’t as loyal as dogs are. But that is far from the truth. Cats are wonderful, emotional creatures who value us just as much as we value them. They deserve to have quality of life no matter their age. In this heartwarming video, a man with a heart of gold shows us what it means to be devoted to a cat for 22 years. Nothing warms our souls more than seeing what true love looks like. If you haven’t had your happy fill for the day, this is the story for you.

A cat dad is seen lying on the floor next to his beloved feline. She doesn’t know he’s there quite yet. Her advanced age has likely affected both her hearing and her eyesight. But her sense of smell is still strong. As soon as she realizes her dad is beside her, she makes her way over. In an instant, she moves closer to her dad to show him how much she loves him. It is obvious that the love the man has for his elderly cat is just as strong, if not stronger, than the first day they met.

Watching the man and his cat share a beautiful moment filled with appreciation and kitty kisses is exactly what you need right now. We are often inundated with sad stories peppered with the reality of the world, but to see something so pure and heartwarming makes the hard times a tiny bit easier. Thanks to Reece Alexander-Putinas, we get to meet his darling cat and witness their beautiful bond.