Proud Mama Cats With Their Babies

| November 20, 2015

For any one who has children, you know what it’s like to be proud of your babies. And that doesn’t just go for human children, but cats too! I am super proud of all three of my kiddos, and don’t even get me started on Mr. Purple! But you know what is so great about cats?? Besides the many amazing things about them, most female cats make excellent mothers.

To watch them care for their young is simply beautiful, the way they have more than enough love to go around and the look of love and pride that washes over them. Ready for a gallery of precious photos to make you smile from ear to ear?? Well, these proud mama cats and their babies are going to do just that. Enjoy!

(Hint: You might even see some special “kittens” in the mix!)

Just look at that face!

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Family portrait!

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Look at all those big baby blues!!

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This mama has certainly got her hands full!

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Cuddle time!

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This mama is worn out with all those kids (I know the feeling!)

I'd say she's handling motherhood exactly as you'd expect

This is just too much cuteness!

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Proud mama with her teeny tiny babies

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Grieving mama cat lost all her kittens, but found hope again when matched with 3 foster babies needing a mother’s love!

This is a true story of a very depressed and grieving mama cat, brought back to a happy maternal state thanks to some very loving people involved in the rescue and foster care of cats, complete with gorgeous photos of this miraculous match. (Here and at the end.)<a rel=”noreferrer nofollow” target=”_blank” href=”″></a>If this doesn&#039;t bring a tear to your eye, you are not human.


Tuxedo cuties!

Warm snuggles

This is one busy mama!

A photo posted by @nala.and.kitties on

Look at those eyes!

A photo posted by Nikita Nanaiah (@nikitananaiah) on

Sleep tight, little one

A photo posted by Iamkitten (@iamkitten_th) on

That face:)

A photo posted by Carson Riley (@cswag_est1993) on