Now That The Snow Is Gone, Nala The Snow-Loving Cat Plays With Sticks & Bottle Caps!

| Published on July 25, 2015

Remember Nala the cat? She’s that adorable fluffy cat who loves playing in the snow! Nala prefers playing in the snow from playing with the usual cat toys! But now that summer is here, what does Nala play with?

The video below will show you that Nala is still having fun even if the there’s no snow anymore. She plays with bottle caps and sticks with her human. Watch her run and chase after the sticks and bottle caps she’s playing with! She looks like a flying fluffball when she does it! Check out the video below!

Nala is just adorable, isn’t she? I love how she floats in the air like a flying fluffball when she’s trying to catch something!

What toys does your cat love to play with? Share your stories with us in the comments section below!