Miraculous Rescue: Cat Saved from Ledge of Highway Overpass

By: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| December 23, 2024

There’s a reason we say cats have nine lives—they seem to escape danger in the most surprising ways. This was certainly true for one cat who was saved from a ledge high above a busy interstate, surviving against all odds.

According to a Facebook post from the City of San Antonio Animal Care Services, Animal Care Officer Tutak and Animal Care Sergeant Flores answered a call about a cat trapped on an interstate overpass with no way out.

When they arrived, they found the daring cat lying on the edge of the overpass. They had to be very careful not to startle him, or he might have jumped from his risky spot.

At first, the cat didn’t trust the officers. But once he realized they were there to help, he allowed them to pick him up.

The cat, now named “Bridges,” was taken to the Animal Emergency Room. According to the Facebook post, Bridges was “a bit ravenous” when they offered him food and water. He had an upper respiratory infection but was otherwise in good health.

After being checked out and cleared of any medical concerns, he was brought back to Animal Care Services for “further love and care.”

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“He is now resting up and feeling more himself in our adoptable cat building,” ACS wrote.

The department said that Bridges is now up for adoption. They also thanked Officer Tutak and Sergeant Flores for saving the cat’s life. What an incredible rescue! So glad that Bridges is now safe and sound against all odds ❤️ Thank you to these officers for saving him!

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