Two years ago, Ashley Norlien adopted an adorable cat named Potato. Like any cat parent, she was excited about her new furry friend, so she started taking photos of him and posting them on social media. Potato didn’t mind all the pictures and he happily adjusted to his new home with Norlien. However, Potato started becoming a social media star in no time, and the reason was simply because of his eyes!
Potato’s eyes are very different than the eyes of other cats. In fact, they are almost too big for his head, sort of like googly eyes. At first glance, it is hard to believe that a real cat could have eyes that big, but Potato owns his unique feature. It is what he’s known for now.

Norlien admits that she’s not really sure why his eyes appear this way. It’s just how he’s always been, and he acts like a normal cat even with his crazy eyes.
“I don’t really know if it’s some genetic condition, but surely it does make a memorable look,” said Norlien.
Norlien knows that Potato’s eyes are different from other cats, but she loves everything about him, especially his eyes. She wouldn’t change his appearance for the world.

Potato’s Rise to Fame
Potato has his own Instagram page, where he now has more than 35,000 followers after less than two years. The popularity of his social media has been greatly increasing ever since Norlien first posted a photo of him. Everyone has quickly fallen in love with his adorable appearance, so Norlien continues to post photos of him on Instagram frequently.
At first, not everyone was quick to accept Potato’s appearance. There have been lots of comments asking what’s wrong with him or if he’s even a real cat. Some comments have even stated that he looks like a cartoon character.

Of course, it’s normal for people to be curious, but the more they look at Potato, the more they realize that he’s just as handsome as any other cat. Even though many people were shocked when they first saw Potato, they can’t deny that his eyes make him cute in his own unique way.
Potato might look different than other cats, but his uniqueness is what makes him special. He’s not afraid to show the world who he really is, and that makes the world love him even more. Potato’s story proves that all cats are adorable, no matter what characteristics and features they have.

Featured Image: @therealcatato/Instagram