Maru Loves Boxes So Much, The Box Becomes A Part Of Him!

| Published on June 22, 2015

We love Maru and his silly videos! I’m sure every cat lover adores him too! He’s just so cute and so funny! And his love for boxes is totally hilarious! He loves boxes so much that he’s always in one (or two!) in every video his human shares!

In the video below you will see a glimpse of Maru’s love for boxes. You will see him slip from one box to another. And even if the box is placed vertically, he has no problem getting into it! He loves boxes so much that it seems like the box has become a part of him! Check out the adorable and hilarious video below:

Oh Maru, we will never get tired of watching you and your silly love for boxes!

People in YouTube are commenting that Maru is like a Hermit Crab, going from one box to another! LOL!

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