Man Risks Marriage to Save Three-Legged Stray Cat

By: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| June 22, 2024

Around the globe, animal lovers abound. Millions of individuals cherish their pet cats and dogs, while countless others dedicate their time to aiding stray and abandoned animals by volunteering at shelters.

Yet, few people, regardless of their love for animals, would jeopardize their marriage for one.

Mike Enders is an exception. He risked his marriage to save a three-legged cat.

The story began when Enders came across a post about Zorro, a stray kitten with only three legs. The post mentioned that Zorro needed to leave the shelter that day, as the staff had started euthanizing kittens.

Enders recounted to The Dodo how something extraordinary happened as he gazed at Zorro’s photo.

“This is going to sound crazy, his eyes were like – Mike! Come and get me!” Enders said.

Determined to rescue the cat, Enders discovered that the shelter was an eight-hour drive away.

Enders, living in San Francisco, learned that the shelter was in Palm Springs.

Despite doubting his own sanity, he got into his car, ready to save Zorro.

He left San Francisco at 7 a.m. and arrived at the shelter by evening.

After the long drive, he reached Zorro and took the kitten home.

“I’m excited, I’m nervous. Part of me thinks I’m insane. But when I saw his face and I saw that there was a possibility that he might be euthanized, there’s something in my gut that said, go get this boy,” Enders shared.

After picking up Zorro, he immediately drove back home. The roundtrip from San Francisco to Palm Springs and back took nearly 20 hours. Enders returned home at 3 a.m.

Initially, Enders planned to foster Zorro. However, he soon realized his deep affection for the kitten.

But there was a complication.

His husband was firmly against getting a third cat, as they already had two.

Reluctantly, Enders posted an online message, announcing Zorro was up for adoption.

Secretly, he hoped no one would respond because he was already very attached to Zorro.

His husband continued to insist that they couldn’t keep Zorro.

After the fourth reminder from his husband, Enders agreed, though he knew he couldn’t part with Zorro.

“So Zorro, he’s worth it, and he’s putting my marriage on the line! It sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. I don’t care,” Enders said with a laugh.

Thankfully, Enders’ husband started to warm up to Zorro and fell in love with him too.

They bonded during a trip to the beach, and Zorro often slept beside Enders’ husband.

Enders announced that Zorro had found his forever home with him and his family.

Hopefully, his husband agrees too!

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