Learn To Speak Your Cat’s Language

| September 22, 2015

People who don’t understand cats often call them aloof and standoffish. And, sure, some of them are. But so are some people and some dogs for that matter. Those of us who have taken the time to love and understand our cats, however, know that they communicate and show affection very well. Their tactics are just more subtle than dog lovers are used to.

Understanding what your cat means when she rubs her cheeks on you is great. But what if you could use that knowledge to communicate with her in her own language?! Here are some ideas.


Image Source: Malika Ladak via Flickr.com

Talk Back
Did you know that adult cats primarily meow to communicate with humans? Beyond kittenhood, cats don’t generally meow to communicate with each other. Without humans around, they’d abandon the practice. That’s pretty amazing, right?

Most of us talk to our cats every day… in our own language. Even though they don’t understand what we’re saying, they can infer our meaning through our body language, tone of voice, and the cadence of our words. Next time, try ditching your language altogether and speak to your cat in meows and chirps. Attempting to communicate in a way that’s more familiar to her may bring you closer!


Image Source: Ben Fruen via Flickr.com

Eye Kisses
Have you ever noticed your cat slowly blinking at you? Lots of people call those slow blinks “eye kisses.” Since cats will only close their eyes in situations where they feel safe, the slow blink is a clear sign of trust and affection. When you catch your cat lovingly throwing eye kisses at you, toss some back her way.


Image Source: Eli Duke via Flickr.com

Rub Your Face On Her
Cats have glands in their cheeks that exude pheromones. They use these pheromones to mark things that they’ve deemed to be safe and comfortable. So when your cat rubs her cheeks on your hand she’s saying “You’re great”, and also a little “You’re MINE.”

You don’t have the same kind of pheromones in your cheeks, obviously, but your cat will understand what you mean when you rub your face on her.


Image Source: Quinn Dombrowski via Flickr.com

Share Your Scent
When multiple cats share a home they rub up against household objects and each other to create a group scent. Your scent becomes a part of the group scent too. This will happen without much effort on your part. Still, your cat will appreciate it if, every once in a while, you leave a sweaty t-shirt on the floor instead of shoving it into the hamper.

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