Young Lady Approached A Waning Kitten Covered In Flies And Became Her Ally

Written by: Julie Hunt
| Published on March 5, 2024

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than finding an animal in need. We are blessed to have caring individuals who step in while others continue to walk past. A compassionate young lady found a tiny Orange Tabby on the road, struggling to survive. She was covered in flies. Her tiny body fought as hard as it could to stay alive, but thankfully, the kitten now had an ally to fight beside her. The young woman picked the kitten up and took her to the emergency vet clinic. She was given strict instructions on how to care for her once she took her home.

The woman nursed the kitten with a small bottle of cat formula. It didn’t go well at first since the little kitty drank too much, too fast, and her belly began to swell. But both the young lady and the kitten learned what to do next time. The woman also had to help the baby with urination and bowel movements by stimulating the small area with a warm compress.

The kitten grew up and was now healthy enough to enjoy playtime and explore her new home. Before long, the kitten blossomed into a large, healthy cat. The ending of the YouTube Short comes as a bit of a shocker. We believe a toy hand may have been used to showcase her current size, but we would love to know what you think. Please share your thoughts on this rescue and how you think the story ended in our comment section.

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