Dreamsicle Kitten Chooses Forever Home, Family Just Fine With Decision  

| February 27, 2024

When cats decide a human is theirs, they have no problem making it known. Cats will move right in, settle down on a spot of their choosing and purr their way right into human hearts.

Popsicle the cat did just this with the Denver family he chose as his own.

Holistic dog groomer Kēnya Piro-Stoute spent the morning hard at work and when a regular client walked in with a question, her world changed.

In an interview with Love Meow, Kēnya said, “He asked if I knew anywhere he could take a kitten that he found in his yard, just before coming in.”


An allergy to cats prevented him from keeping the orange tabby kitten but his good heart couldn’t leave the baby cat alone in a big world. He brought the kitten to Kēnya with hopes she could connect him with help. She hunted social media, made some phone calls, and hopped in the car.

“I even drove around the area where the client found him a few times to see if there were any missing cat posters for him.”

With no collar or microchip, the little ginger kitty was a mystery.


One Night Only…

Kēnya brought the kitten home with her for the night. She planned on taking the little boy to a rescue center the next morning. “I took him home that night and told my family he was only staying for the night.”

Her plan didn’t line up the cute kitten’s though…


He made the rounds in the house, cuddling up to the humans and the fur babies in residence. The tabby kitten made fast friends with another ginger and white cat named Baby Cat. The older cat doesn’t usually care little for other kitties, but something about this darling kitten won his heart.


The cats hit it off as instant snuggle bugs, but the kitten and Kēnya’s dog proved to have a connection that went far beyond that of normal cat and dog relations.

“Everyone fell in love with him, but the sweetest love for him came from our puppy named Edward.”


“They acted like they were long lost brothers and immediately started playing and snuggling and just wanted to be around each other all the time.”

So, the one night turned into a sleepover that never ended.


Kēnya kept an eye on lost and found pages just to be sure she wasn’t keeping someone’s missing cat, but the kitten was meant to be part of her family. Seems the kitten already knew this fact, pronouncing himself home in a hurry.

The sweet kitten earned the name Popsicle from Kēnya’s daughter and Edward the puppy was happy to hear the kitty cat was staying!


Follow Popsicle the Smiling Cat on Instagram and never miss his bright, round eyes and pounces.

H/T: catsoncatnip.co
Feature Image: @bb_pangur_ban/Instagram