Disfigured Cat Gets A New Lease On Life Thanks To One Special Young Girl

Written by: Modi Ramos
| Published on April 26, 2015

In Istanbul, Turkey, there was one poor kitten that was so unfortunate, no one wanted to stop and take an opportunity to help this young cat that had been cast aside without a chance. Many people passed by this kitten but no one offered to help, most likely frightened by the cat’s astonishing appearance. This is when one special little girl, a seven-year-old, found her sleeping amidst garbage cans on a crowded busy street.

The girl scooped up this poor, defenseless kitten, taking him to her father and demanded that they help give this kitten the fighting chance that it deserved. This is when something truly extraordinary happened, thanks to the immense kindness and love the girl developed. Veterinarians fought hard to revitalize this kitten, and with proper medicine and lots of TLC, this kitten, who the girl named Gülümser, bounced back like you wouldn’t believe.

See for yourself this incredible transformation, which is nothing shy of a true miracle for the poor kitten that really didn’t stand much of a chance:

(Photos Curtesy of YouTube)







The sweet child chose the name Gülümser, which means “she who always smiles” in her native language. A kitten who was once too frightening for people to even pay mind to is now adorable and happy, no longer suffering from parasite infestation and finally receiving the endless love she so rightfully deserved. This is one sweet girl, and her father should be very proud to have raised such an amazing young little lady who sees beauty in all things, regardless of the way something appears.

If you’d like to see more on Gülümser’s story, catch the YouTube video dedicated to her here:

via YouTube