This Affectionate Kitty Really Adores His Young Human

| Published on August 6, 2015

If this video doesn’t make your heart melt, we don’t know what piece of stone you’ve got inside your chest. This video is so sweet we can’t help but smile as we watch it! We’re not sure whether this young man is trying to play a game, watch a movie or listen to some music, but he’s certainly busy on his phone with some headphones on. His kitty, however, has a different agenda and just wants to share some snuggle time together. Even though the love isn’t totally reciprocated, this cat won’t give up on making sure his boy knows just how he feels. There’s never a bad time for quality bonding and this silly cat wants to do things on his own terms!

Special thanks to America’s Funniest Home Videos for this hilarious footage of a cat that just really adores his young owner. It brightened our day and hopefully did the same for you!