This Sweet Cat Knows She’s One Lucky Cookie Thanks To YOU!

By: Kelli Brinegar
For more than five years, Kelli Brinegar has been using her ability to write and her passion for research to tell the tale of what cats are thinking and why. She has provided care to more than 30 cats in her lifetime.Read more
| April 25, 2023

Cookie the kitty knows she’s a lucky cat because she and her littermates were rescued from life on the streets. And for the chance to find her forever, Cookie wants to thank you!

When this piebald cutie was brought into the care of Pawsibilities Are Endless in Missouri, she was one sick kitten. She and her mother both were suffering from the feline herpes virus, a highly contagious virus that leaves cats feeling feverish, sneezy, and lethargic. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for the virus, but felines can live long, happy lives as long as they receive good care, especially during a period of illness. And thanks to the cat lovers at Pawsibilities, quality love and care are just what Cookie received.

Photo: Pawsibilities Are Endless

Forever Took Awhile, But The Wait Was Worth It

On top of illness, Cookie also had a broken leg that needed time to heal. The poor kitten was quite a mess, but she was a sweet girl who enjoyed the company of other cats and people once she got to know them.

“Cookie is a little shy at first but quickly warms up and, as you can see, loves to play! A loving family and some cat toys would be the ideal forever home for Cookie,” Pawsibilites shared.

Because Cookie was a shy girl, it took a little time for her to find her forever, but when she met her dad for the first time, they both knew it was love at first sight.

“Cookie has been adopted into a home of her very own with a gentleman who fell in love with her immediately and has been her companion since.”

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And you were a huge part in making that happy home happen!

Photo: Pawsibilities Are Endless

Funding Food & Forever

When you shop with iHeartCats, you’re empowering our partnership with Greater Good Charities because every purchase funds meals and other necessities for cats in need. The GOODS Program, a pet food distribution initiative in the Greater Good Charities family, has been keeping hungry bellies full for over a decade. And to date, the GOODS program has delivered over 578 million meals to shelters and rescues across the country. That’s more than 6,000 truckloads delivered to hungry animals!

Photo: Pawsibilities Are Endless

These much-needed donations free up cash that can instead be spent on medical care for cats like Cookie.

“Due to the food donations received by the GOOD Program, Pawsibilities can put more funds towards medical conditions and treatments such as Cookie’s broken leg and herpes diagnosis.”

And for your shopping with a purrpose, Cookie the cat says thank you so much. She also thinks you and your cat deserve something new and cute and bids you Happy Shopping!

Feature Image Courtesy of Pawsibilities Are Endless

<h1>Shop & Give Back!</h1>The following products provide quality food for shelters and rescues, helping them reserve more of their precious funds for medical expenses, supplies, and spreading the word about their adoptable pups and kitties.<br />

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