Cats Who Don’t Think They Are Actually Cats

Written by: Modi Ramos
| Published on June 29, 2015

We love cats for all the things that they do, even when sometimes those behaviors aren’t very catlike at all. Sometimes our cats can surprise us with their interesting behavior, and even crack us up as they provide us with endless entertainment. As any cat owner knows, there are times when our cat’s behavior is so out there, you would think they thought they were a different species entirely! Take a look at our fun gallery of cats who don’t think they are actually cats:

At times, you have to get a little bit creative…

A photo posted by Daisy (@daisfashionblog) on

Sometimes sitting upright just feels good…

Getting around just like the humans do…

A photo posted by Hi (@_._fnaffnaffnaf_._) on

Introducing Parrot Kitten!!!

A photo posted by Antyweszka (@antywieszak) on

This is actually quite comfortable!

A photo posted by Pelo de Gato (@_pelo_de_gato_) on

Somewhat enjoying a bath…

A photo posted by Litter-Robot (@thelitterrobot) on

Humans aren’t the only ones who watch television shows…

A photo posted by Orange Ball (@kittythegreat25) on

Mastering the art of spying

Using utensils isn’t really that difficult…

A photo posted by Anja (@_milkyyway_) on

Defying the Scaredy Cat label