11 Things Humans Do That Cats Dislike

| February 10, 2024

It’s a bit of a conundrum – understanding our feline friends’ preferences and dislikes can sometimes feel like deciphering a secret code. While our cats can’t verbally express their grievances, their body language speaks volumes. We may unknowingly overstep boundaries or engage in behaviors that rub them the wrong way, but fret not; forgiveness is always on the table.

From interrupting their nap sessions to subjecting them to unwanted cuddles, we may inadvertently annoy our furry companions. However, by observing their reactions and respecting their personal space, we can foster a harmonious relationship with our feline family members. After all, a happy cat means a happy home – and our efforts to understand and accommodate their preferences will undoubtedly enrich their lives and deepen our bond with them.

11 Things Humans Do That Cats Dislike:

1. Not giving them a comfortable place to relieve themselves.

We all know that cats are picky creatures, and this extends to their litter box preferences. As a general rule, there should be one litter box for each cat in the house, plus one more extra one. They should be cleaned daily, but your kitty may prefer that it’s scooped more often than that.

If your cat is avoiding the litter box and you’re not sure of the reason, try making a few simple changes. Check out 5 Ways To Make Your Cat Comfortable Using The Litter Box for ideas.

Not giving them a comfortable place to relieve themselves


2. Making loud noises

With their strong senses, cats cat be skittish, especially when it comes to loud noises. Shouting, banging, or slamming — even if it’s not directed at them — is sure to send your kitty into a tailspin.

Making loud noises

3. Scolding them

While you may want to train your cat to do or not do something, yelling at him, pointing, or forcing him to do something will not work. Scolding cats only leaves them feeling confused and scared. Try gentle guidance and rewarding good behaviors, instead.

Scolding them

4. Ignoring odd behavior

By nature, cats disguise their pain, so it’s up to us to detect when something isn’t right. You know your cat best, so if you notice any strange behaviors, like persistent scratching, frequent/infrequent trips to the litter box, or lack of grooming, make sure to have her checked out by your vet. See 6 Subtle Signs Your Cat May Be Sick.

5. Giving them a water bowl they don’t like using

It’s important that all creatures stay hydrated, but your cat may be deterred from drinking his water simply because he doesn’t like his bowl! While it’s okay to give kitty some sips from the faucet, he should always have access to a water source that he’s comfortable using. Read 10 Reasons Cats Don’t Like Drinking Out Of Water Bowls for more info.

6. Teasing them

This is a given, but cat owners should make extra sure that their kitty’s space is being respected when there are guests around. Poking, pulling, chasing, or sudden movements will make any cat feel scared and unsafe.

7. Declawing them

This procedure, which is simply a convenience for owners, can wreak havoc on your cat. Animal lovers have become more aware that declawing is an actual bone amputation, not just a removal of the claw. It can cause your kitty long-term pain, as well as leave her feeling defenseless and more vulnerable. This can lead to increased aggression, and it really poses a problem for cats who end up outdoors with no defenses. Check out 7 Reasons To Never Declaw Your Cat for more.

8. Dressing them up

Cats have strong instincts that give them lots of similarities to their wildcat ancestors – it’s one of the things we love about them! That’s why putting a “cute” outfit on your kitty will most likely make her agitated. Clothing can make cats feel restrained and hinder their agility, plus they don’t like being ogled or laughed at. That’s not to say that all cats hate clothes – but pay attention to your cat’s behavior if you decide to slip a shirt on them. Are they thrashing, yelling, or just giving up and refusing to move? Your cat may feel best in their own skin, and we should be respectful of their preferences.

9. Ignoring their grooming needs

While your cat does a pretty good job grooming herself, sometimes she needs a hand. She may not like baths, nail trims, or getting brushed (or maybe she loves it!), but what she dislikes even more is being unkempt. Knotted hair can cause painful mats, long nails can snag, and fleas and ticks are no fun for anyone! Grooming is one exception where it’s worth doing something they may not love for the benefit of their overall wellbeing.

10. Not respecting their space

Every cat should have a “safe space” where he can retreat, whether it’s a room, a kennel, a perch, or a cardboard box. By respecting your kitty’s wishes when he wants to be alone, he will feel safe and loved. Cats should never be forced into interaction – it will only backfire.

11. Neglecting to give them enough attention

With the above point said, when your cat is ready for affection, make sure you receive her request with open arms! While they have a reputation for being independent, cats need love, just like we do! And remember: they may be able to occupy themselves all day, but there’s nothing like some one-on-one play with their favorite human.