Cat Is Confused With His Own Tail

| Published on June 20, 2015

Cats have the cutest facial expressions. We love how they look when they are curious; they even look gorgeous when they put their serious face on. But what I love the most is their adorable confused face. And the cat in the video below has absolutely one of the cutest confused faces I have ever seen.

Everyone, meet Sgt. Grumbles (such a cute name!). Sgt. Grumbles is sitting on the couch just like a human would, and it appears that he’s watching TV. He was just relaxing on the couch when his human approached him and played with his tail. Watch the video below and see Sgt. Grumbles’s adorable confused face as his human is waving his tail in front of him!

Awwww…isn’t he the cutest! And I just love how he’s sitting on the couch and watching TV like humans do!

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