Cat Doesn’t Flinch as Huge Mountain Lion Comes Up to Window

By: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| July 5, 2024

Cats are among the most intriguing animals we invite into our homes. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of owning a cat, you know they exhibit a unique blend of boldness and timidity. It’s quite a peculiar paradox!

A cat might chase a large dog out of the yard, only to be terrified by a harmless cucumber moments later. Yet, this peculiar mix of bravery and fear adds to their charm rather than detracts from it.

For one cat in Colorado, this unique courage was put to the test in an extraordinary way!

Tom Mabe, a comedian, father, and cat owner, captured an incredible moment on video a few years ago.

While visiting a friend’s house in Colorado, Tom witnessed something astonishing. One day, as he was sitting in the living room, he noticed movement outside the window. To his amazement, his housecat was face to face with a mountain lion!

Through the windowpane, Tom’s domestic cat stared fearlessly at a full-grown mountain lion.

Mountain lions, the largest big cats in North America, typically reside west of the Mississippi, with a small population in Florida. These apex predators are silent, intelligent, and capable of taking down large elk and deer. For a small housecat, a mountain lion is a formidable opponent.

Despite facing the piercing yellow eyes of such a powerful predator, the housecat remained completely unfazed.

It’s remarkable to witness an animal stare down a creature capable of taking down an adult moose. As Birds and Wild notes:
“Both males and female cougars will kill moose. The female will mainly kill very young moose under one year old or those around 1-2 years old. Although this may be risky for them if they have a protective mother nearby. Male cougars prefer to seek out moose to kill than any other hooved animal. In fact, moose can make up over 90% of a male cougars diet in the winter months in northern regions of Canada.”

Considering the size difference between a housecat and a moose, it’s clear how outmatched the kitty was!

In the video, the mountain lion can be seen pawing at the window, seemingly trying to get inside.

Was the mountain lion attempting to enter and eat the cat? It certainly appeared so! Fortunately, everyone in the home was safe, with no immediate danger (except for Tom’s wife). When Tom’s wife asked where the kids were, he jokingly responded, “They’re out back.” After giving her a fright, he reassured her they were still in bed.

Upon hearing human voices, the mountain lion eventually moved on.

Seeing such a majestic animal up close is both beautiful and frightening. Thankfully, no one, human or pet, was harmed. However, it might be wise for Tom to keep his pets indoors for the next few days!

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